الرئيسية / أقسام أخرى / منوعات / 26 صورة توضح الفرق بين ما قبل الهاتف الذكي وما بعده: اختلاف كبير بين افتتاح فيلم عام 1997 وعام 2015

26 صورة توضح الفرق بين ما قبل الهاتف الذكي وما بعده: اختلاف كبير بين افتتاح فيلم عام 1997 وعام 2015

إذا مشيت في غرفتك دون هاتفك الخاص، هل تشعر بشيء غريب؟، هل تشعر بأنك «عاري»؟، أم أنك فقدت جزءًا هام من حياتك؟ هل قررت أن تعود إلى البيت مسرعًا حين أدركت أنك نسيت هاتفك في البيت؟.

ما تفعله يسمى هاجسًا يعاني منه الملايين حول العالم، ولكن صدق أو لا تصدق قبل سنوات كان على هذا الكوكب أناس أيضًا عاشوا حياة طبيعية دون هاتف ذكي.

ولمعرفة الحال الذي وصلنا إليه الآن، والفرق بينه وبين الحال قبل سنوات، يمكنك رؤية تلك الصور التي رصدها موقع unmotivating.

المعجبون يصرخون من أجل فريق «البيتلز»- 1964.

13. المعجبون يصرخون من أجل فريق «اتجاه واحد»- 2013.

حفل ديفيد بوي- 1973.

David Bowie in concert at the Hammersmith Odeon, the last gig he performed in the guise of his spacerocker alter ego Ziggy Stardust, 3rd July 1973.

12. حفل بيونسيه- 2013.

امرأة تسير مع كلبها- 1923.

11. امرأة تسير مع كلبها- 2014.

رجل يأكل بمفرده- 1924.

1959, A young man reads a comic book over breakfast in a diner. (Photo by FPG/Getty Images)

10. رجل يأكل بمفرده- 2014.

Man in a restaurant

زيارة البابا إلى روما- 1983.

9. زيارة البابا إلى روما- 2014.

People take pictures with their mobile phones as Pope Francis arrives to visit the Roman parish of "Santa Maria dell'Orazione" in Guidonia Montecelio near Rome on March 16, 2014.  AFP PHOTO / ALBERTO PIZZOLI        (Photo credit should read ALBERTO PIZZOLI/AFP/Getty Images)

العرض الأول لفيلم 7 سنوات في التبت- 1997.

LOS ANGELES, UNITED STATES:  Fans ask for autographs during the premiere of the film, Seven Years in Tibet, starring Brad Pitt 06 October in Los Angeles. The film, directed by Jean-Jacques Annaud of France, will be released nationally in the US 10 October.   AFP PHOTO Hector MATA (Photo credit should read HECTOR MATA/AFP/Getty Images)

8. العروض الأول لفيلم جاتسبي العظيم- 2014.

Fans stretch for a look at the stars as they arrive at the World Premier of The Great Gatsby May 1, 2013 at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center New York. Leonardo DiCaprio stars in the title role. AFP PHOTO/Don Emmert        (Photo credit should read DON EMMERT/AFP/Getty Images)

مجموعة من الفتيات يتشاركون تناول وجبة معًا – 1930.

Three women sitting at a table having a sandwich and a drink circa 1930's. (Photo by Keystone View/FPG/Getty Images)

7. مجموعة من الفتيات يتشاركون تناول وجبة معًا- 2013.

This picture taken on March 19, 2013 shows women looking at their smartphones while having dinner at a street food restaurant in Bangkok. A recent Facebook-sponsored study showed smartphone owners are often connected all day. People can be found glued to their smartphones at airports, on trains, in restaurants and even while walking on the street, creating a disconnection from their immediate surroundings. Smartphone sales are expected to continue to surge in 2013 with some 918 million units to be bought worldwide. AFP PHOTO/ Nicolas ASFOURI        (Photo credit should read NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/Getty Images)

سيدات تضعن «المانكير»- 1971.

AUG 25 1971, AUG 31 1971, SEP 5 1971; Mrs. John Streltzer, left, manicures the nails of Mrs. Sadie Thaler, and Mrs. Ben Pitler combs Mrs. Mary Goldman's hair while Mrs. Ida Fink awaits her turn. The free services are available to residents of Beth Israel.;  (Photo By Floyd H. McCall/The Denver Post via Getty Images)

6. سيدة تضع «المانكير»- 2013.

Russian women sit a at beauty center in the Mediterranean city of Limassol on March 19, 2013. Cyprus turned to Russia as President Nicos Anastasiades battled to garner support from lawmakers for a controversial eurozone bailout deal that the central bank warned was in danger of collapse.  AFP PHOTO/BARBARA LABORDE        (Photo credit should read BARBARA LABORDE/AFP/Getty Images)

مسافرون يركبون القطار- 1970.

A view of three people sitting on the Number 2 line (7 Avenue Express) IRT subway, New York, 1970s. One man sleeps, a young woman reads a newspaper, and a young man eats. (Photo by Tony Vaccaro/Getty Images)

5. مسافرون يركبون القطار- 2014.

Entertainment on subway

الرئيس الأمريكي، بيل كلينتون يغادر البيت الأبيض- 1994.

President  Bill Clinton signs “I love you’ to White House interns as he leaves the White House in Washington  Monday, June 27, 1994 for New York. The president was to attend the Democratic National Committee’s Gala Reception. (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

4. الرئيس الأمريكي، باراك أوباما، يتحدث عن شهر تاريخ المرأة في البيت الأبيض- 2013

US President Barack Obama (C) speaks at the Women?s History Month Reception as First Lady Michelle Obama (R) and Second Lady Jill Biden (L) look on in the East Room of the White House in Washington on March 18, 2013.     AFP PHOTO/Jewel Samad        (Photo credit should read JEWEL SAMAD/AFP/Getty Images)

رجل يمشي في الجليد داحل حديقة سانت جيمس- 2007

UNSPECIFIED, UNSPECIFIED - JANUARY 24:  A man walks through St James Park on January 24, 2007 in London, England. After a prolonged mild period, winter has finally arrived in the UK.  (Photo by Daniel Berehulak/Getty Images)

3. سيدة تمشي في الجليد داحل حديقة سانت جيمس- 2007

A woman uses her mobile phone as she walks through the snow in St James's Park in central London on December 02, 2010. Airports were shut, trains were stranded and roads were closed in Britain on Thursday amid a week-long freeze that has sparked questions about why the country grinds to a halt when snow falls.     AFP PHOTO / CARL COURT  (Photo credit should read Carl Court/AFP/Getty Images)

مات لوور يحيي معجبيه في برنامجه «توداي شو» المذاع على قناة «إن بي سي»- 1999.

376406 03: News anchors Ann Curry and Matt Lauer talk to fans outside NBC's Today Show studio at Rockefeller Center, September 1999 in New York City. (Photo by Evan Kafka/Liaison)

2. مات لوور يحيي معجبيه في برنامجه «توداي شو» المذاع على قناة «إن بي سي»- 2013.

TODAY -- Pictured: Matt Lauer appears on NBC News' "Today" show -- (Photo by: Peter Kramer/NBC/NBC NewsWire via Getty Images)

«ماليا وساشا» أوباما تقفان معًا في العرض الافتتاحي- 2009.

President Barack Obama's daughters Sasha and Malia watch the inaugural parade in Washington, Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2009. (AP Photo/Jae Hong)

1. «ماليا وساشا» أوباما تجلسان معًا في العرض الافتتاحي- 2013.

Malia Obama, right, and Sasha Obama, daughters of President Barack Obama (not pictured), look at photos they just took on their phones, during the Inaugural parade in the reviewing stand in front of the White House on Pennsylvania Ave., in Washington, Monday, Jan. 21, 2013.  Thousands marched during the 57th presidential inauguration parade after the ceremonial swearing-in of Obama. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)


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